The Man Cubs
The Man Cubs
Disney Cover Band
- Featured in recent TikTok video with nearly 2M views
- Top 3 Winner for Taste of Fort Collins 2020 (performed in 2021)
- Recently named one of Denver's Best Punk Bands by Westword Magazine
The Man Cubs LOVE Disney music. In 2017, the band members of Compass & Cavern and Creature Canopy joined forces and spent hundreds of hours listening to, transcribing, and practicing Disney songs to perform at a one-time show in Denver. Naturally, it was the time of their lives. Now, The Man Cubs perform alternative rock / pop punk versions of Disney mega-hits as a five-piece band. The group plays at all types of events, including themed parties, corporate fundraisers, and music festivals. Although based in Denver, The Man Cubs are happy to travel and take the Disney set on the road.
- Photo (.jpg)
- Contract Rider (.pdf)
- Tech Rider (.pdf)
Tonight's band is unlike any other group you've ever seen. The Man Cubs did the impossible - they transposed your favorite Disney songs, with all their beauty, emotion, and complexity, into alt rock/pop punk jams you can dance and sing along to for hours. Please welcome, The Man Cubs!